Indie wine

Simple software for small to medium sized wine distributors



  • Hosted on
  • Weekly inventory updates
  • Access to standard templates
  • TTB label finder



  • Hosted on your own domain (like
  • Daily inventory updates
  • One custom template
  • TTB label finder

À la carte add ons



  • Spin up individual pages for specific tasting events with your customers
  • Add your own narrative to the tasting
  • Tasting pages match your main page's style & branding

Real time upgrade


  • Instead of refreshing once per day, refresh constantly



  • Local authorities require your pricing to be restricted to licensed customers?
  • Protect your inventory - or just your prices - behind a password
  • Customers only have to enter the password once

Additional locations


  • Operate in multiple jurisdictions?
  • Have one site per state or location for $10 more